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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Financial Services

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While more customers are banking online, the demand for bank tellers in local branches and call centers still exists. Personal bankers, however, now take on sales associate roles as well.

Employer Quote Region
"Interviewer: Let's talk about tellers. If this group of educators really focuses on those teller preparations, will that job category exist four years from now?

Employer: Yes.

Interviewer: So, ATMs won't wipe them out?

Employer: No. That would have happened twenty years ago. I do think there might be some constriction, but that job will still exist."
"It certainly has been a mind-shift in our organization. It's something that we've been concentrating on for at least the last five years—of making it more of a sales-oriented culture versus just a transaction-based culture. And you're right, there are two different mindsets [about what an employee prefers to focus on], and so it's been a little bit hard. And we've seen a bit of turnover in the last couple of years because people aren't willing to make that next step in terms of becoming more of a sales associate. We always look at that challenge, and we created our own in-house training program, and everybody goes through it on a quarterly basis. But the whole point of it is that it's needs-based. So, we're not trying to make you do a sale if you're not supposed to do a sale. Instead, it looks at the needs of that particular person. If they have kids, if they're graduating from college, if they're looking at retirement soon, those are all indicators that there's an opportunity for referral and to make a sale. We position it as more of a needs-based idea versus a whole sales environment." Metro
"Employer 1: I feel for you, because I hire a lot of people that...because banking is changing—it used to be financial transactions and now they're expected to do sales—and there's a whole lot of the population that doesn't want to do sales.

Employer 2: Absolutely.

Employer 1: Plus, it's kind of counterintuitive to the other skills. People who are good at sales don't necessarily want to do detail work, and people that do detail work don't necessarily want to do sales. So, that seems to be a dropping-off point; I get people that come in and say that they don't want to do the sales part of it."
"Interviewer: How have ATMs and online banking affected the number of tellers that you hire?

Employer 1: And there's the call-center environment, too—where if they can't do something online then they're calling us. So, it's the call-in teller is what I kind of look at.

Employer 2: As a remote—we call them the remote deposit center, but basically it's the same thing over the phone—our member base is a little bit older in age, so we still see a lot of people coming into the branches. And we still have a lot of people picking up the phone and calling us.

Employer 1: Yes, online banking has decreased some of those transactions in our branches, foot traffic, along with mobile banking. But I think that is always going to come into play because, when people are making big decisions, they want to come in and meet with someone. So, when they're coming in to buy a car, they want to meet with someone to talk about that loan in person. Or they want to meet with someone to talk about their mortgage, or they want to meet with someone to talk about their investment. Or their insurance needs. And so that teller is their first point of contact—in terms of who they're going to set that person up with. So, again, those communication and customer-oriented skills and relationship-building skills are huge. And I don't think we're going to see branches close their doors because there are people who will always want to do certain transactions in person. I think it's going to be one of those things that is always there. It's like we've seen the number of checks used go down, but we're never going to get rid of the whole check environment."