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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Financial Services

They are talking about this topic: Educational Partnerships


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Some employers already have placement partnerships with specific colleges and universities but would like to strengthen those ties by connecting with professors who can recommend specific students.

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"Interviewer: Do you recruit from specific schools?

Employer: We do.

Interviewer: Talk a little bit about that.

Employer: We recruit from Carlson, St. Thomas, and St. Cloud, Duluth. And we were going to Winona and there's a significant difference between the different schools."
"Interviewer: You talked a little bit before about your relationships with higher education. What about the rest of you? Do you have ongoing relationships with particular schools? Do you recruit interns from some particular schools? Yes, yes, yes. Are there MnSCU schools in that mix?

Employer: State university system."
"We certainly try to partner with [MnSCU college] because they're right in our back yard. And we have several locations within that vicinity, but we've kind of felt the same thing—we have a lot of connections over at [MnSCU college]—so I try to use those connections to get to specific professors. I sit on the North Hennepin Area Chamber Board, and we were looking to hire an intern for a position and contacted the professor many times with no luck. We were thinking that this would be a great opportunity to set up a student with some work experience. It was going to be minimally paid, and it would be something like they're probably doing for one of their projects. And it just seems like—and I know their plates are very full and that they're very busy—but we feel the same way. We try to reach out to the professor directly and there's typically not a lot of conversation that goes back-and-forth." Metro
"We've had various partnerships and relationships with [MnSCU college] over the past several years. So, certainly it's a place where we'd like to tap in. Honestly, we don't actually see a lot coming from that relationship in terms of acting as a feed to us. It's more word-of-mouth." Metro
"Employer: Most of the institutions I work with in my segment are the four-year colleges. And I would say there needs to be more engagement on the part of the professors in helping students find vocations and jobs. That's the constant battle that we hear with career services. We're saying, 'Where are your students, where are your students, where are your students?' And they're like, 'Well, we can't get our professors to tell us who their students are. We can only get so many people to come into our offices, and it's hard even for us when we contact professors to get them to call us back—to get them more engaged.' But, hey, you're not only there to teach, but to help these students find jobs.

Interviewer: So, how are you doing that at present? Are you cold-calling the professors?

Employer: Yeah, and a new strategy next year will be to really use alumni from those schools to say, 'Hey, call those professors and help us get that.'

Interviewer: Why do you focus on the professors as opposed to career services or any other administrative post in the college?

Employer: Because professors have complete access to the students. Career services only have access to the students that come to them."
"Interviewer: If you could talk about more of a traditional banking skill set, as opposed to an insurance skill set, do you see your employees coming from some of these feeder programs?

Employer: Most of our branches are located in the northwest suburbs, and so we have the luxury of having [MnSCU community college] in our backyard. So, we often try to tap them for some of the lower-level positions that we're hiring to fill part-time. Most often those are part-time positions in the front-line, meaning tellers and maybe low-end loan officers."