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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Financial Services

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


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Interviewing skills are often lacking in candidates.

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"It's not uncommon for us to get enough resumes. We put a minimum at the grade point average. We like to see some activities outside of school. We get enough of those. But a 'ten' becomes a 'two' after the interview and it's because they just don't present themselves with confidence. They don't interact with people. We struggle with finding candidates that can interact and that we feel comfortable with on day one. They're going to be in front of a client, eventually, and they're going to be representing your company. And it's a matter of whether or not they're going to be able to do that professionally." Central
"The other thing that I've been impressed with—and it's the minority, which is a surprise, because if this generation has a strength it's the use of virtual interactions—is that I don't see enough of them jumping on LinkedIn to say, 'Thanks for the interview.' A fair amount will do emails, but they're not using that strength to make a difference in their connection with the employer." Central
"I think a lot of the people that we are interviewing right now, it's about professionalism. Everything is so casual these days that people just don't know how to act professional when we're in an interview or when they start on the job. And we're like, 'What just happened there?' They're so casual about everything." Central