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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Financial Services

They are talking about this topic: Occupation-Specific Skills


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Higher-level math skills (e.g., calculus, statistics, etc.) and computer programming skills are necessary in both accounting and banking positions, especially for those who would like to enter management positions.

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"Employer: One of the things I think everybody that goes to a college or university should have is basic statistics. Because if you're going to go into any management situation, you've got to be able to understand data and be able to see trends. In this institution it is all about methods. We measure everything. So, the ability to be able to look at information and then determine how to coach this person to perform their job better is important. And even basic PowerPoint presentation and good analytics behind it, so that when somebody presents to me I'm not sitting there poking holes through it because I can see that they don't have a valid sample size or whatever. It just seems like when you're hiring all these people that are non-business types into these roles and then, as they advance in their careers, they don't have the requisite skills. So, even basic knowledge of statistics would really help them down the road if they're going to progress in their careers and not just stay entry-level.

Interviewer: That's your thinking about the financial services industry...that a person with maybe a non-finance education—like maybe a history degree—that if they really want to advance in the industry, they should have a basic understanding of statistics?

Employer: Yeah. I think everybody should have a foundational understanding of statistics—even just to live today. I mean you're constantly hit by this survey, by that survey. Is that BS or is it real? I mean, I just think it's a basic skill that most people should have. It would help them progress, because if you don't have that you're not going anywhere.

Interviewer: Okay.

Employer: I also think they should have skills in order to interpret and present data and information. And I think presenting is almost as important as interpreting."