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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Financial Services

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


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Many employers are having difficulty filling openings, particularly higher-level positions requiring more experience.

Employer Quote Region
"The other area, the taxation, it did see a shortage. We find extreme shortages in the taxation side of getting the experience. Especially if you're looking for a tax manager, somebody at that higher level. It's really hard to find them." Central
"Interviewer: Which positions today do you have the hardest time filling?

Employer: Right now, probably our banker positions. So, personal bankers.

Interviewer: Personal bankers?

Employer: Yeah.

Interviewer: Has that been the case for a while? And you expect it to continue? Or do you see a change?

Employer: It's been the case for a while. I expect it to probably continue, solely because we're promoting those people into other positions. So, that's a position we always have opening up. We have so many of them throughout the company."
"We frequently find that the people that have the educational background to meet our positions aren't applying for our positions. So, we're filling our more entry-level positions—our tellers and our bankers—with people who have degrees in something completely unrelated." Central
"We have the same issue. The people that are answering the phones here are basically the same people as the personal bankers. The number of people that we hire with accounting and finance degrees is very tiny. We hire lots of people from other fields—communications, marketing, sales, English majors, history majors, economics." Central
"Employer: I can speak from the CPA perspective. We've done [lost in translation] recruiting season looking for interns for accounting positions, and we're actually finding it difficult to fill enough positions in St. Cloud and in the Metro. We've experienced turnover in the Metro area where private industry is taking a lot of our experienced individuals. So, we do need to fill those entry-level positions. So, when we say there's enough supply I think we're feeling a little crunch in that area. And getting those high-level candidates early on as well is what we're struggling with.

Interviewer: When you say 'industry is taking them,' can you give me an example just so I understand the terminology?

Employer: Many times in public accounting—it can be a pretty grueling profession—so you get a lot of experience. And after two to seven years of experience—the ones that wait a little longer—they're good CFO material. So, they'll go and be a CFO or a controller in another entity.

Interviewer: And then they're out of public accounting basically."