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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Financial Services

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


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Employers speak of the aging workforce, expressing concern about succession planning in the banking industry. Employers are open to hiring retired workers seeking a career change and more flexible hours.

Employer Quote Region
"Actually, I think the demand is probably a combination of a growing economy, hopefully, and people like me retiring. Especially the next 10 years." Central
"I think what we're going to see in the future are people reaching 60 and saying, 'I don't want to work as hard as I've been working, but maybe I'd like to work at a lower level. Maybe at 25 hours a week.' I'm encountering a lot of people my age that are thinking that right now. They want more free time and not this, 'You're overqualified for this job,' when it's exactly what the person may want: an entry-level job they can do without stressing themselves out and still make some money. And maybe get healthcare...maybe not." Central
"Employer 1: I have a question. Older generations, somebody who got laid off—and I'm talking late-forties, fifties, sixties, whatever—I mean people are having to work longer and longer. What are you seeing there and are there opportunities for jobs?

Employer 2: All kinds of them. I'll hire all I can get if they've got the skills."