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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Transportation

They are talking about this topic: Industry Trends


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The effects of technological changes on the repair industry include more equipment with electronic functions; these functions include a greater number and variety of modules to control them. There is also a movement toward manufacturer-specific parts and the use of wireless diagnostic equipment. Respondents say these changes require a shift to a computer-based industry that requires technicians to have more specialized and technical skills

Employer Quote Region
"I think it's harder to find a young, skilled, technician now than it has been in the past, and technology has made it so they need to have more skills." Metro
"And I think you have to be comfortable and savvy with technology. If you show up uncomfortable with technology, boy, that's going to be tough for you to find room in this environment." Metro
"It seems like in the new car world, the expertise [techs] need is so specific. I mean, you could leave my shop and go work for another shop and you're going to start all over because you got to forget everything you used to know at BMW and start all over with GM." Metro