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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Financial Services

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


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The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers are seeking new hires with high levels of professionalism and work ethic.

Employer Quote Region
"Employer 1: We have an awesome generational training and it talks about how we raised them that way. As the parents, we're the ones waking them up in the morning. We're the alarm clocks. We wake them up, 'Okay, here's your breakfast. Time to eat. You need to be in the car in five minutes. I'm driving you to school. I'm picking you up at 3:00 and I'm going to take you to piano lessons. And then at 4:30 I'm going to pick you up and we're going to go to soccer. We're going to sit down and eat at 7:00, and then at 8:00 sit down and get your homework done. And it's going to be lights out at 10:00.' We've done this to them. And yet, when they join the workforce, we expect them to just know what it is they're supposed to do. They're sitting there thinking, 'It's 10:00 and nobody has told me what to do.'

Employer 2: They need a daily schedule. And so...I don't know if there's a way in college to somehow knock that out of them?"