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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Financial Services

They are talking about this topic: Experience & Credentials


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Accounting requires a two-year or four-year degree for entry-level positions. Bank tellers do not require a degree, but business majors are needed for higher-level personal banking positions.

Employer Quote Region
"We need business majors." Metro
"Employer 1: I would like to know, when you're speaking about the tellers, do you in general hire people with college degrees? Is it a requirement for the position in general?

Employer 2: No.

Employer 3: No."
"Interviewer: Okay, you want a GPA of 3.5 or above. And will you take me if I'm coming right out of school?

Employer 1: Absolutely, everyone. Almost 99 percent of the people we hire in app development are coming right out of four-year schools."