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Audio Resources

Hear the success stories of Adult Basic Education students and English language learners as they move along their career paths.

English Language Learner Success Stories

  • Success Story: Joseph
    A career is different than a job. Read and hear a story about a man who started working at a job. He liked his job and wanted to advance. With work experience, time, and more education, he turned his job into a career.
  • Success Story: Paw
    Read and hear a story about a woman who achieved her goal of learning English, finding a job, and buying a house. Learn about the new goals that she has for her life and her family.

Finishing High School or My GED Success Stories

  • Success Story: Carlos
    It is helpful to hear how other people with health problems or personal problems made decisions about their careers. Read and hear about a man who has made a lot of progress and continues to make his life better.
  • Success Story: Amanda
    It is helpful to hear other people who have handled problems and made decisions about their careers. Read and hear about a woman who has made a lot of progress and continues to make her life better.

Done with High School/GED and Want to Advance My Career Success Stories

  • Success Story: James
    Everyone has things that make it difficult to succeed in life. Read and hear about a man who is working on achieving his goals.
  • Success Story: Ayan
    Everyone has their own ideas about success and their own problems to overcome. Read and hear about a woman who has achieved a lot in a short period of time.