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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Transportation

They are talking about this topic: Occupation-Specific Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
General exposure to the latest automotive technology.

Employer Quote Region
"As far as new people coming in, new skills, GPS, those types of things. As long as it works, the tech doesn't have a problem, but as soon as it doesn't go well, it doesn't seem like really anybody at the store can figure out how to make it work. And even the manufacturer, the training we get on some of it, or the assistance we get, is limited. With GPS, there isn't a whole lot of training that you need on it. But it seems like if there's a problem with it, we call in, and they say 'replace the unit.' So they can have you go through and do a few tests, but you don't do a whole lot of repair, because the components are generally single units. [You just] it out and put a new one in." Central
"I need somebody that at least has been exposed to the latest and greatest." Central
"They don't even get enough funding to buy basic supplies to do general stuff with what they have. Try to educate their teachers on the newest technology to teach. How do you keep up with technology on the budget for 25 years ago?" Central
"We toured [my local tech college] last week and we kind of joked about it. When they go through engines, they're bringing in a 350 Chevy out of the grain truck. I would love to have a whole slew of brand new, new technology vehicles there. Newer engines, smaller displacement, more power, V6s and those kind of things rather than training on an old gas V8. We rarely ever get to take one of those apart in my shop, if ever." Central
"I think it's harder to find a young, skilled technician now than it has been in the past, and technology has made it so they need to have more skills. So finding mechanics and machinists, I'm having trouble finding them." Metro
"The advancements in electronics, how a system operates, how many different modules control what function of what vehicle, on any given day you can pick a new car on our lot, and you can have 15-20 different modules or more that control the simplest function of what it does, whether it be the door lock or turning the radio on. And unfortunately in an automobile program it's very difficult for someone to see all those." Northwest