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Develop Your Work Skills

Work skills are things that you can do at your job. Which skills do you already have, and which do you need to learn?

Skills are things that you can do. Work skills are things that you can do at your job. You already have many skills. There are also new skills you can learn. What do you need to learn for the career you want?

Directions: Look at the list of work skills below. Some skills you can already do. If you want, you can print this page so you can write on it. For skills you can do right now, write an "x" in the "Skills I Have" column. Some skills you cannot do yet. Mark these in the "Skills I Want to Learn" column.

Skills Skills I Have Skills I Want to Learn
I am punctual.        
I get along with people.        
I am reliable.        
I can ask questions.        
I can follow directions.        
I can respect others.        
I can speak English.        
I can read English.        
I can write English.        
I can use a computer.        
I can speak another language.         
I can read in another language.        
I can write in another language.        
I can cook.        
I can clean.        
I can sew.        
I can assemble things.        
I can help others.        
I can work with my hands.        
I can work with machines.        
I can lift heavy objects.        
I can grow food.        
I can build things.        
I can paint.        
I can talk to other people.         
I can use a cash register.         
I can count money.        
I can work at night.         
I can drive.         
I can take care of children.        
I can take care of elderly people.         
I can take care of sick people.        

Look at the skills you marked in the "Skills I Have" column. These are skills you can use on a job or in school right night. Be sure to look for jobs using these skills and talk about your skills with employers.

Use the "Skills I Want to Learn" column to help you make a career plan. Think about what steps you need to take to learn each skill. Add those steps to your career plan. These steps can include taking a class, or doing an activity that can help you learn that skill.