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Who Am I?

How much do you know about yourself? What things are important to you?

You know a lot about yourself. For example, you can answer the question, "What is your name?" You probably know your address, your age, and where you are from.

But can you say more about yourself? What things are important to you?

Values are beliefs that are important to you. Thinking about your values will help you answer the question "Who am I?" The better you know yourself, the easier it will be to find a career that matches your values and skills.

Look at the picture of the person below. Look at the values that are important to him. He is answering the question "Who am I?"

"Education is important to me. I want my children to get a good education."

"Honesty is important to me. I always try to tell the truth."

"I believe in hard work. I do not want to be lazy at my job."

"I want to make enough money to pay the bills and take care of my family."

"My culture is important to me."

"My family is important to me."

The exercise on the next page will help you answer the question What is Most Important to Me?