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Job Search Under Supervision

There are guidelines for job searching while on parole. Find out how to work with your Supervising Agent and get tips for a successful job search.

Your Supervising Agent wants you to have a successful re-entry into society after incarceration. A big part of this success is finding employment.

You are less likely to return to prison when you participate in positive, constructive, and structured activities. In some cases participating in constructive activities such as job search, work, school, or approved volunteer work is a condition of supervised released.

When to Job Search

Treat your search just like it's a job. You should search during typical business hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. However, do not limit your job search to these hours.

Your job search might include:

  • attending work-readiness programs at a CareerForce location
  • going to networking workshops
  • making phone calls to employers
  • searching employment websites or newspapers for job openings
  • visiting businesses to fill out applications or interview with hiring managers

Your job search, however, should not be limited to these activities. There may be unexpected times when you find a job lead or get information that can help your search.

These times can include:

  • attending a religious function
  • going to a family gathering
  • before or after a sobriety meeting or support group gathering
  • talking with others while you wait for your Supervising Agent, doctor, or for the bus

You never know when you might hear of a good job lead, so be alert.

Successful Job Search While on Supervision

  • Know what type of work you can and can't do. Discuss your situation with your caseworker or Supervising Agent.
  • Document or log your job search.
  • Don't limit your job search to business hours. ALWAYS be looking for a job and networking with people.
  • Communicate with your Supervising Agent. Ask for help when needed.

Tracking Your Job Search

Some people are required to document all of their job search activities; some are not. Whether or not your Supervising Agent requires it, it's a good idea to keep some type of log, or documentation, of your job search. This will keep you organized and help you track all of your job leads.

Use a simple notebook or planner to write down your list or schedule of activities. Below is a sample of how to track one day's worth of job search activities.

Time Monday March 5
8:00-9:00 Internet job search on MinnesotaWorks.net for cook/food service jobs. Found four leads near my zip code on a bus line (Panera, Bakers Square, Applebee's, Pizza Hut)
9:00-9:30 Bus to St. Paul CareerForce location off of University
9:30-11:30 Complete resume at CareerForce Center
11:30-12:30 Lunch at Pizza Hut, left resume and application with manager Chris P.
12:30-1:30 Bus to Bakers Square in Roseville. Met with Jenny, turned in resume and talked with her about available cook job. Will follow up on Thursday 3/8 at 3pm with manager Suzanna.
1:30-3:30 Walk to other Roseville businesses (Starbucks, Good Earth, Red Lobster). Filled out applications, but no solid leads.

Keep your job search log with you most of the time. You never know when you will want to write down a phone number from a help wanted sign or remember the name of the hiring manager that your friend works for.

Your Supervising Agent will appreciate that you are being accountable for your activities. Keeping track of your job search will prove that you are responsible and organized — two qualities employers also appreciate.

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