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Not Getting Results?

Not getting any interviews or job offers?

If you're not getting any interviews, then there might be a problem with your resume or cover letter. Below are some common problems and how to address them:

  • You aren't tailoring your resume to EACH job ad. Show each prospective employer why you're the perfect person for the job. If your skills or experiences aren't an obvious match, you need to connect the dots for the employer.

  • Your cover letter or resume are poorly written or have typos. Have a friend or relative who is a good writer look over your materials. A fresh eye may catch errors you missed.

  • You have gaps in your employment history. Consider using a functional resume format instead of a chronological one to highlight skills and accomplishments rather than job history.

  • You aren't using the right keywords. Many online job banks use a keyword matching system to match resumes to job openings. Good keywords can be found in the job ad or position description. Use these to describe your skills, experience, and education.

Are you getting interviews but no job offers? Something might be going wrong in the interview process:

  • You don't know enough about an employer. Researching the employer is an important step in applying for any job. It's best to do it before you apply, but you really need to do it before an interview. Your research will help you be better prepared for the interview questions.

  • Your interviewing skills are falling flat. Review the interview tips to prepare for the interview and practice answering common interview questions. It may also help to do a mock interview with a friend or family member.

  • You're sending the wrong message. Even when you're not speaking, you're sending a message. How you walk, your posture, eye contact, and how you dress all say something about how you feel and what you are thinking.

  • You're saying negative things about your past employer. An interview is not the time to do this. Unless you can show how you turned a negative situation into a positive one, potential employers will think less of you.

  • You're pricing yourself out of the job. Employers will ask about your salary requirement or your previous salary. If you name a salary that's too high, they may no longer consider you for the job. Too low, and you may end up working for far less than what the employer might have paid you.