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Stress Management During Job Search

When you're searching for a job, you almost always have other issues begging for your attention.

Stress builds up when you don't deal with issues. Keep your job search on track by paying attention to all aspects of your health. Here are some healthy ways to handle stress:

  • Get organized. Create a structure for your job search.
  • Exercise daily. Walk, run, jog, swim, bike, dance, etc.
  • Eat healthy. Eat three balanced meals a day.
  • Avoid unhealthy habits. Limit junk food, sugar, caffeine, and watching television. Avoid alcohol, drugs, and smoking.
  • Rest. Get plenty of sleep.
  • Write. Write in a diary or journal for 20 minutes each day. Record your thoughts and feelings about your job search, what you learn, and your progress.
  • Attend job support groups or clubs. Share ideas and tips, and accept and give praise.
  • Be flexible. Stay open to new ideas, think creatively, and take risks.
  • Take one thing at a time. Prioritize and make one change at a time, because many changes at once add stress.
  • Reward yourself. Do something for yourself when you accomplish certain job search activities and goals. For example, take some time to be alone or to learn something new.
  • Accept. Take what you cannot change, change what you can, and forgive yourself and others.
  • Volunteer. Doing something for others increases your self-esteem, network, and skills.
  • Find humor. Watch children at play, and find time for play.
  • Manage time. Keep schedules, set goals and time tables, and use a calendar.
  • Meditate. Reflect on your own spiritual truths or on peaceful thoughts.

Source: Creative Job Search, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.