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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers speak of the ideal candidate as having a positive attitude, possessing professional values, expressing an interest in how things work and being self-motivated to learn new skills.

Employer Quote Region
"I think your question goes down to learning. The expectation for us is that we are always learning in all areas. If you're in that field, part of your responsibility is learning. This is the accountability thing I was talking about before." Central
"From our perspective, the ones that are doing it right are the ones that come to us and say, 'There's this new widget-gadget thingy that I think I need to know more about.' That only works if you have that self-accountability to be out there and learning." Central
"That's why I mentioned personality. You have to really get that out during the interview so that you know: Is this person teachable? This is what our culture is here. Is that going to work for you? Try to get all those things taken care of before you hire them, that's the key." Central
"I think one thing that is different at our company is the way we're organized. We don't have—we call it a free market—so we don't have supervisors. So, you don't get assigned on a Monday morning, 'Here are your four tasks today,' or on Tuesday, 'Here are your other four tasks.' We need to have people who can operate in that environment; people that will show self-initiative and motivation. The issue that we would see is if people can't operate in that kind of free market system, if people aren't comfortable developing that network internally. But we try to screen for that." Metro
"When we look at our candidates, we look not only at their skills, but their attitudes, their values, and things of that nature, too." Northwest
"What involvement did they have while they were going to school? Did they treasure their engineering club? What kind of activities were they involved in? I like to see that on their resumes." Northwest
"You could ask people what their interests are. Some people will say, 'I like ripping stuff apart to see how it works.' That is a good quality in an engineer." Northwest
"We figure they all got a degree, and if their grades are decent, we hire based on personality and those soft skills." Southwest