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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Current Continuing Education


The quotes below are about this issue:
Most employers provide incumbents with training on both technical and soft skills. Technical training topics include new technology, new product development and efficiency, and new software.

Employer Quote Region
"That kind of thing seems like it needs to be self-driven—to really stay on top of the technology. We do what we can do in those areas, but the technology is changing so fast in each of these areas. The newest microcontroller chip—and what it does compared to the other microcontroller chips—yeah, they need to stay tuned with the technology that's out there. When we're asking them to develop a product, we just say, 'This product needs to do this in general. Can you kind of fringe it?' It's their responsibility to put the right components in to make it do that, and the right components are always changing. New ones are always coming. So, staying on top of that is an expectation for them." Central
"We do both. We have an FMEA training this week. A year ago, we brought in some help in learning how to do new product development process in order to standardize our process. We had all of our engineering staff being trained in the stage gate management of our processes." Central
"And technology is changing all the time, so they're constantly learning new things and skills and needing to adjust how they do things. It's constant." Central
"We do some training with groups of engineers to allow them to understand that there is a process that you can use, especially in this new product development area, to get the product to a point where it can be commercialized or pushed out into the marketplace. So, we do a lot of work in that area." Metro
"The technical is going to continue. We have seen a lot of growth in technology, and a bachelor's degree gets you the best place of entry. But there is a whole lot more beyond that. Some additional training to keep up with advances in technology because our clients want the advantage of having a company that understands current technology. So, we're going to continue to push our staff to gain those skills." Metro
"Often, the training that these folks get is offered by some of the vendors' learn-specific model, modeling software. A geochemistry class might be offered by a professional organization of some type. I think there are probably two with the chemical. Air quality modeling is offered more specialized." Metro
"Our electrical and controls engineers spend a lot of time working with our suppliers and distributors of the controls software, the current technology that's out there." Metro
"I can mention the PLCs [programmable logic controls] again. They start learning some of the language. They have to get updated on it. They have to go through other training on it, but that's just industry. You just need to get updated on things." Northwest
"For us it is SolidWorks. We use 3D SolidWorks for mechanical designing. Almost all the schools, they're doing like Pro/E, which is something that we've been able to adjust to. Typically, if candidates know that software, they can pick up SolidWorks. But there is a learning curve there." Northwest
"If they don't know the specific software that we use, but they learned a companion software, and are integrated into computer technology for years, then they can easily make that transition." Southwest
"In our technician area, we're looking at a new technology, and no one has that. But the ability to learn, the willingness to learn, their interest, and how they were able to pick up another type of software—if they are able to show those things, then it is a good indicator that they will be able to learn this other software. I think we've learned to be a little bit more open-minded." Southwest