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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Industry Trends


The quotes below are about this issue:
The industry is witnessing growth, particularly for "green services" and customer-requested customization products e.g. smaller and flexible packaging.

Employer Quote Region
"Yes, growth. We anticipate continued growth in all areas of our company. We're talking manufacturing, customer service, and engineering." Central
"Something that we're looking at is, through strategic planning, is more big, complex projects. We're seeing ourselves getting involved in some of those bigger projects." Metro
"We're in the middle of all sorts of expansions and retirements. Some of us had the benefit, a few days ago, of sharing about five of the projects that are going on. And if those projects happen, we're going to continue to have even a greater shortage of engineers." Northeast
"With the green initiative, customers are looking for smaller package sizes. And they're looking for flexible packaging options in addition to maybe just a box. So, we've had to make adjustments for what our customers are asking us to do, and that becomes more customization. We consider ourselves a custom engineering company because whatever the customer wants to do is what we're going to do. So, we're very much into our applications and our product development." Northwest