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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Educational Partnerships


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers would like to find ways to strengthen connections between higher education faculty and industry representatives. Suggestions include bringing faculty in to businesses for training as well as recruiting faculty from within the industry.

Employer Quote Region
"One of our engineers was actually asked to teach a class down at [MnSCU college] on the bioengineering side." Central
"Employer 1: What we find as we become responsive—the electronics, the embedded controllers, and the issues—is that if we're trying to hire a current faculty member to really lead us in that direction, we're in the same competitive market as industry is. And we're running into some issues such as being able to compete in the salary market. So, I think we have to have that discussion. Because if we're going to lead industry to get these students there, how do we get the support from industry to get somebody into the classroom where we're going to be able to teach that?
Employer 2: Right, what you're describing is a great point—that you may have difficulty finding faculty capable of teaching the skills that these folks need. And to get that faculty, you've got to convince them to stop working at a company or maybe get them to spend a couple of days a week here at the technical college and also work at a company.
Employer 1: I think there are maybe ways to do this by thinking about it differently. You talk about engineering with contract work. Maybe there are some ideas that we can work on to help keep education flexible and responsive and still be in the game.
Employer 2: So, I might have a contract with you guys to teach here two days a week, and then my other contract might be through another organization where I would work with their manufacturers and their engineering staff."
"One of our—he used to be one of our general managers at one of our facilities in Ohio—taught at one of the community colleges there, and he just loved it. So, try to find that person that could actually speak in a class—that would be great. I know he always says how much he learns, too. There is value for him, and value for the students." Northwest