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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


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Employers emphasize the need for candidates with strong technical skills as well as strong soft skills, particularly effective interpersonal communication skills.

Employer Quote Region
"They can know just about everything, but if they can't work with other people, it just doesn't work." Central
"If we're looking to fill from a computer standpoint—not that we've had to fill one for a while—but we'd be looking more at the BCIS [business communication information systems] because we need the business side with the computer. It doesn't matter what position you're in with IT, you need the interpersonal skills because you'd be working with a business unit. You're not going to be crunching behind the desk programming. So, our main focus would be business communication information systems. Typically, they're probably more at a senior-level than not. Typically, that's a bachelor's degree plus five to ten years of experience." Central