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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Industry Trends


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The industry is experiencing a trend toward cost savings and efficiency through automation and other means. Additionally, there is movement from mechanical controls toward electronic controls.

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"We don't make a lot of one particular thing. So, when you talk about automation, automation at Company X may be running more product through the plant, it may be automation on a huge scale. In their scenario, automation helps with employee numbers. But, for us, we make a lot of very low number things. We've got equipment in 32 countries and 400 machines out there over 10 years, okay? So, our numbers are low, and you can't really do a lot with automation in our situation. We do what we can, but our situation is a little different." Central
"We're always looking at efficiency, so we will automate when possible." Central