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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Educational Partnerships


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Some employers are already partnering with educational institutions through advisory boards and committees. They emphasize the importance of continuing and expanding this type of communication, and they suggest that higher education representatives make on-site visits to businesses.

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"I think just what you're doing now—getting all three groups together to talk—is important. Education needs to be talking to businesses. And we need to be able to talk to students—to let them know what kind of people we look for and what skills they need. Then, there's a better understanding. We can all work on it together as opposed to separately." Central
"I think part of the challenge from an industry perspective is—especially those of a smaller size—is that they're too busy doing their job, doing their work. Taking the time to lead and to actually have this conversation is a challenge for them. I think, for far too long, it was expected that the workforce and the people with skills will just be there. Now, we're in a different time. So, it's really somewhat about educating industry to understand what education can do to fill their demand as well. You can't develop a course or a class and be able to operate if there's no interest or demand on the students' part to actually take those classes and have jobs at the end. I agree with the other employer's earlier comment that the solution is working together to try to reach out." Central
"The other thing, I think, is that when it comes to trying to interact with companies, you're going to have a problem with the small companies. A lot of our growth is going to come from the small companies, but you're not going to get them to attend things like this. I think that maybe as [company's] chambers of commerce, we need to do more on-the-ground interviewing with those companies. We need to set an appointment and make the effort to go out and talk to them, to do an interview. Maybe we need some training in order to accomplish that, and a set of diagnostic tools that we could use in order to accomplish those kinds of interviews. I think it's going to take more coordinated effort." Central
"I think another thing to tap into is—I know there's a Minnesota Manufacturer's Association, and they have meetings all the time. So, speaking at those kinds of functions." Central
"I don't know that we're making our case that there is a need for manufacturing engineering. I like the idea of the network—take this and network with companies and build a network beyond this. I agree that we often get stuck with process rather than action. And we want to move beyond that." Central