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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: Occupation-Specific Skills


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Cultural sensitivity and awareness training are increasingly important. This may include language training and generational training as well.

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"Cultural diversity is something that we are trying to focus on more." Central
"With our company, we have a huge initiative to have more diversity training; there are a lot of requirements for all staff at all levels. And management training is coming next month—it's a huge management training trying to teach how to manage a culturally diverse workforce. This is something that they put at the forefront. They have all of our resources. And a lot of them are point-and-click, and then we have them instantly in another language. So, we are making that more and more available on a daily basis, I would say." Central
"Question: Do you see schools' role in preparing professionals in these areas needing to bump-up cultural competencies?

Employer 1: I think just awareness.

Question: Just awareness?

Employer 1: Yeah, awareness.

Employer 2: Yeah, especially depending on where the applicant or employee comes from. People that live further from the city, we see more issues with them dealing with those choices, I think. Just a generalization.

Employer 1: They have less exposure.

Employer 2: Yeah. Again, like I said, the exposure is not there, and so they have to be taught at a little bit different level to begin with. And I think, at least in our facility, we see people get onboard very quickly."
"It is such a big initiative. I mean, our food will be labeled with what's included for your religious preference. Those are the types of things that we are drilling down to." Central
"Employer 1: My niece was very smart. She's a registered nurse now, and she just started at the hospital. She speaks three languages. So, you know, she had an opportunity to use that. And to have bilingual or trilingual people—maybe to be pushing that more in the schools to say, 'Learn these languages.' Some of our rural areas are Hispanic, you know? And she'll ask, 'Did you give me that patient because he spoke that language?' And the answer is, 'Yes.'

Employer 2: So, that's going to be a real asset to the graduates.

Employer 1: Yes, that's going to be a real asset."