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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: Current Continuing Education


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Current incumbent training topics include new technology, computer skills, electronic medical records, and diversity. Employers have also sent employees for specialist training. Recertification is a large portion of incumbent continuing education as well.

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"With our long-term care facility, we have a huge initiative for diversity training. There are a lot of requirements for all staff at all levels. Management training is coming next month. It's a huge management training trying to teach how to manage a culturally-diverse workforce. And this is something that they put at the forefront. They have all of our resources—and a lot of them are point-and-click—and then we have them instantly in another language. So, we are making that more and more available on a daily basis, I would say." Central
"Most of the re-certification is done by having so many hours over a two-year period. So, it's not a specific class that you have to attend." Central
"For us, we do both. We provide the education and all the new equipment. For re-certification they might have to do some on their own, but we do provide a lot also." Central
"For our hospital, I don't think that we have as big of a problem with our current employees because we've already had different trainings in place to get them to the point where we want them to be. It's very easy to get them there because we have that training. We know what we are doing, and we know what we want." Central