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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


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The quotes below are about this issue:
Retirement: Many nurses are approaching retirement age, but are delaying retirement. This makes it difficult for employers to strategically hire and train new employees in preparation for a wave of retirements. This, too, fuels concern about an increase in shortages of experienced workers.

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"Our problem really truly is the new people coming in. We are backfilling. And, as I mentioned, we have an aging population, a huge aging population. Backfilling all of those positions in the next several years is going to be very difficult because we will not have the capacity to train them the way that we want to with the number we are going to have to train." Central
"Also the aging workforce, they are on their feet a lot, so we are trying to get more ergonomic-type workstations for people and it's difficult. And we are also seeing older students coming in, so it's not just people that are retiring, it's also the people who are getting into their second or third career. We are starting to see that. We've hired more people that are in their late 40s or early 50s lately. And they are doing phlebotomy, so they are running the floors a lot. They are covering anywhere from five to eight miles a day by just running. So, you have to look at some of those items. We are looking at some of those items." Central