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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: Industry Trends


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Employees constantly need to adapt to rapidly changing technology, including medical devices and electronic medical records. For this reason, the need for IT skills has increased. Technology is also changing the delivery of care, and many employers predict a movement to telemedicine and electronic visits, also known as e-visits.

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"We are getting some of the older workers, but our technology is advancing. So, they don't just need just the clinical training, they need the technology training, too." Central
"Some of it's the computer. Some of it's just the equipment that they are using now that maybe they weren't using before." Central
"Telemedicine, e-visits, all of that is what we will be seeing more of in the future, I think." Central
"In the metro areas it's really the thing that's happening—even in St. Cloud—the doctors are doing things by email from what I'm hearing. But, in our area, we can't even get an email address for our doctors. So, there's a lot of training on the physician-level that needs to happen before any of that is going to happen. And they're the same way I was—I'm at that age where I didn't grow up with computers. I didn't learn about them until I had to. And I didn't want to, and I bucked it. That's exactly what we are seeing with the physicians, the attitude of, 'Nope, I don't want to do that. I don't know how to do it, and I don't need to learn it.' So, it's going to depend somewhat on the setting, on the location, and on the readiness of other professionals in that setting to accommodate." Central
"You see a lot of the technology coming in, and you see the need to learn new systems." Central
"There's a rapid rate of change in our organization, and I'm assuming that's happening in other health care organizations as well. And for people to be able to adapt to that change is not a bad thing. Change is a good thing. And, so, it's somewhat of a mindset. I think that as people have been on, let's say, electronic health records longer, they can and do learn. And it's not the new students that have trouble with technology, it's the existing employees because the new physicians, the new nurses, they are like: click, click, click. All good to go." Central