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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Information Technology (IT)

They are talking about this topic: Needs & Challenges in Continuing Education


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Because it is becoming more expensive to send incumbent workers to vendor training, several respondents expressed interest in additional partnering with MnSCU for incumbent worker training. Employers are interested in specialty training that is tailored to their needs; this includes shorter trainings when possible.

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"We're sending them directly to the vendor or to a company called Calix, which is now the vendor for most of the telecommunication products in the state of Minnesota. But they would—and they've said this clearly—they would like to have some type of vocational training available in the state of Minnesota that they could work with. So, we'll supply you with the equipment, and you put on the training course. We haven't got there yet." Central
"Yes, we're using the vendors more and more for training." Central