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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Transportation

They are talking about this topic: Needs & Challenges in Continuing Education


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Several employers indicate a need for more continuing educational opportunities in various specialized areas, such as welding, new emissions policies for the commercial trucking industry and the effects of social media and quality customer service.

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"There's two that did come from different certifications who couldn't handle it, being away that long, because you're gone for a week, sometimes maybe two to four weeks or even longer. So that's something that's hard for us to explain to an entry-level driver. You're going to be gone for a week. You might have family or friends or things to do, but this is part of it. So that's another struggle, too." Central
"Q: So what kind of training would that involve [for emissions training for commercial drivers] through a course to learn?
A: I guess it depends on what the new emissions...everything going forward with that. I continue to see that across the board so I think there may be some training opportunities there."