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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Transportation

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


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The quotes below are about this issue:
Many employers feel that there is an undersupply of qualified workers, particularly automotive technicians. This is apparent from a lack of overall applicants and qualified applicants in particular.

Employer Quote Region
"There are not even applicants. They are not even filling out applications..." Central
"We just posted an ad for an outside position and we got three applicants." Central
"I kind of had a little bit of the opposite of that. I had people applying but I think they're just putting applications out to get anything." Central
"We're in the automotive supply end. We really didn't see the lull or the dip it seemed like that maybe the car dealers did. But we've also struggled through that and now with applicants. We were getting applicants, they're just not qualified, and it's statewide and in other states." Central
"We're finding kind of the same thing, not enough qualified applicants, especially in between your two groups of automotive, one-ton trucks or cars with diesels. That type of technology is our biggest demand, and there's just nobody out there for those positions. So we've been looking for a year and a half to two years, and we can't get either someone that's trained from a school that can go right into that, or somebody that's qualified that can go right into that." Central
"Right now what we find is we have to recruit our class D drivers and train them up to the class A, because I don't have the class A drivers walking in. It's very competitive between the over-the-road jobs. That's one of the problems I find, is that when I look at an application it has 15 trucking companies in the last three years. That's not somebody I want to invest my time and money into. So trying to get the younger generation to say that trucking is going to be around and it's going to be a career for the future is probably the biggest challenge right now." Central