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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Financial Services

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


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The field of financial services is constantly evolving and requires that new hires are proactive in their learning, are flexible, and have strong critical-thinking skills.

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"I think it's the ability to research. One of the things technology has given us is the ability to be lifelong learners in a really easy way. We don't have to go back to St. Cloud State University or wherever because you've got Khan Academy. You've got a bazillion things out there, and different ways to learn. I think creating lifelong learners, inquisitive people that...I mean, in the future—over the course of a lifetime—you're going to have maybe 20 different jobs. So, you've got to be able to very quickly retool and re-understand new ways of doing things. When you think about what's available out there today for knowledge...and yet there's this lack of ability to go get it. Yet, it's right there. I mean, you can take Stanford courses if you want or MIT. You can get the best education in the world if you just—so, the problem I have is I don't see that inquisitiveness and that ability to go out there and do that extra mile of research to be able to be successful. In a world that's changing this fast, the stuff that these people are teaching these kids today is irrelevant 12 months from now. They've got to have that in them or they're going to be obsolete the day they get their degree." Central
"The soft skills, again, is what some of our supervisors call...well, they'll say, 'I just wish that person was a digger.' That's what the other respondent was referring to. Peel back more than just one layer of that onion before you start yelling, 'I need help!' Demonstrate that you truly got to a roadblock and that you can't go any farther before you ask for help. Consider the paths available and then select one. Be a continuous learner and cultivate the desire to get to the right answer. Drill completely down." Central
"Employer 1: I also think there's some opportunity—career development—and it's kind of the driven piece of it. And the career development piece of it is: What are they doing? And what are their skills to help them develop their own career and continue to learn and grow in their roles? I mean, I think a lot of us are in the boat where we hire those entry-level positions no matter what their background is. And the people who are coming out of college and fit for those upper positions—that's what they want—there's a sense of entitlement there. They think they should start in upper-level positions, and it's not going to happen.

Interviewer: They think they ought to be the CEO.

Employer 1: In five years.

Employer 2: It's their own continued skill development."
"The common theme is flexibility. Just real quick, I had an experience yesterday with our youngest who is in kindergarten—he had his first conference yesterday. We were told he needed assistance on his assessment test, which was a surprise because he does fine. He's a normal five-year-old. But come to find out, on the assessment test, they had to use a mouse and on the phone we have touchpads. I'm realizing I need to be flexible with how I teach him—to teach him how to adjust to a new situation where he has to learn a new task. He's only five but soon he'll be there." Central