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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


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Employers look for new hires who possess strong communication skills, both written and verbal. These skills are often lacking. Some employers attribute this to younger generations having less experience with face-to-face communication.

Employer Quote Region
"We need people who can build an internal network across different divisions of the company as well as with the clients. People who can communicate and who are interested in understanding everything that we do." Metro
"I think that communication skills would be really important in consulting. We've seen people with really short cover letters or poorly written cover letters or resumes. And that is something that has a bit of a disqualifying element to their application. If they don't know how to do a cover letter, how will they be able to write a report to our clients? So, we do look at more than just the GPA and their internship, we look at the whole package." Metro
"I think one thing that is different at our company is the way we're set up. We don't have—we call it a free market—so we don't have supervisors. So, you don't get assigned on a Monday morning, 'Here are your four tasks for today,' or on Tuesday, 'Here are your other four tasks.' We need people who can operate in that environment, that will show self-initiative and motivation. And again, that consulting soft skills communication and being able to talk to interactive teams and talk to clients. So, I think maybe the issue that we would see is if people can't operate in that kind of free market system—that they aren't comfortable developing that network internally. We try to screen for that." Metro
"As a consultation company, I think that the communication skills are important." Metro
"I think one of the items is, again, a cover letter. Most people that are going to hire you aren't going to see your design paper, so your cover letter is really the only way to communicate that you have technical writing skills. I think the most frequent screen is the cover letter. If you can't show that your communication skills and technical writing are up to par in your cover letter, then a lot of times you won't even get in the door." Metro
"Those capstone projects and the core writing and the ability to express themselves in writing is important." Metro