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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


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Entry-level engineering positions often require strong leadership and project management skills; some employers report spending a significant amount of time training new hires in these skills. They feel that capstone projects and additional group-focused coursework would help build these skills.

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"For entry-level and particularly for our experienced hires, we need leadership skills because of our organizational structure and our consulting services. We need to be able to build relationships, sell the services, and cross-sell the services. So, we need people who can build an internal network across different divisions of the company as well as communicate with the clients. They need to be interested in understanding everything that we do, and they need to be able to communicate and bring the right people in. So, having that influence and having those consultation skills are both really important for experienced people and for people who want to be able to advance to project management or principal levels." Metro
"They are given some more leadership opportunities through these design projects. And I think that is an area where—here at our company—we're also looking not only for the technical skills but also the people skills and the leadership skills. Many people need to be able to lead projects, so the opportunity for leadership skills in either project teams in school or some extracurricular organizations is important experience. I think the reason why our company doesn't have one person doing just project management is that technical people wear different hats. Part of the day they are over here as a project manager, and a third of their time they're doing business development, and then a third doing something else. We tend to have more than just one focus." Metro
"Leading a team and working well with a team. I would say that leadership is another piece that we're looking for here." Metro
"My group is about two hundred people, and we really don't have a manager. We have somebody who is called a facilitator for two hundred people, and he does project work half-time. There is a lot of management within a project. You could be on multiple project teams." Metro