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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


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Employers emphasize that consultation skills are essential for engineers. Engineers must be able to build relationships with clients. This includes listening and communicating their ideas in ways that establish rapport and facilitate agreed-upon solutions. These skills are not necessarily lacking, but employers look for these skills in strong candidates.

Employer Quote Region
"I'd put an emphasis on the technical skills, but as consultants, we also need the soft skills. So, we're also looking for folks that can be consultants and work in teams; folks who are very team-oriented. We need to sit down and listen to our clients, what they need, what they want, and then translate that into a solution, and be able to communicate that back to meet their needs." Metro
"For entry-level and particularly for our experienced hires, we need leadership skills because of our organizational structure and our consulting services. We need to be able to build relationships, sell the services, and cross-sell the services. So, we need people who can build an internal network across different divisions of the company as well as communicate with the clients. They need to be interested in understanding everything that we do. They need to be able to communicate and bring the right people in. So, having that influence and having those consultation skills are both really important for experienced people and people who want to be able to advance to project management or principal levels." Metro
"We need people with consulting soft skills. They need to be able to communicate with interactive teams and with clients. So, maybe the issue would be if people can't operate in that kind of free market system—if they aren't comfortable developing that network internally. But we try to screen for that." Metro