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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


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Employers emphasize the need for candidates with strong technical skills as well as strong soft skills, particularly effective interpersonal communication skills.

Employer Quote Region
"I'd put an emphasis on the technical skills, but as consultants, we also need the soft skills." Metro
"When you talk to the old-timers around our company, they'll tell you that the projects used to be primarily technical. You could just go out and do the work. But the environment has really changed a lot. The clients are more demanding, and the regulatory environment is so different than it was years ago. And both of those trends, I think, are likely to continue. So, the focus on project management and buyer relationships is going to be very important. The ability to keep up with regulatory changes and the regulatory environment is going to be very important." Metro