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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Current Continuing Education


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Most employers provide incumbents with training on both technical and soft skills. Technical training topics include new technology, new product development and efficiency, and new software.

Employer Quote Region
"Our electrical and controls engineers spend a lot of time working with our suppliers and distributors of the controls software, the current technology that's out there." Metro
"We do some training with groups of engineers to allow them to understand that there is a process that you can use, especially in this new product development area, to get the product to a point where it can be commercialized or pushed out into the marketplace. So, we do a lot of work in that area." Metro
"Often, the training that these folks get is offered by some of the vendors' learn-specific model, modeling software. A geochemistry class might be offered by a professional organization of some type. I think there are probably two with the chemical. Air quality modeling is offered more specialized." Metro
"The technical is going to continue. We have seen a lot of growth in technology, and a bachelor's degree gets you the best place of entry. But there is a whole lot more beyond that. Some additional training to keep up with advances in technology because our clients want the advantage of having a company that understands current technology. So, we're going to continue to push our staff to gain those skills." Metro