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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Current Continuing Education


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Many companies have developed their own incumbent training programs. Others use suppliers, either bringing them in-house or sending employees off-site. (Off-site training is considered more cost-effective.) Those employers that have used higher education for incumbent training mentioned working with the University of St. Thomas and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Employer Quote Region
"Often the training that these folks get is offered by some of the vendors' learn-specific model, modeling software. A geochemistry class might be offered by a professional organization of some type. I think there are probably two with the chemical. The air quality modeling offered is more specialized." Metro
"We have quite a few people who have not taken the full suite of classes, but [non-MnSCU college] offers an MBA. We used to have an MBA [program] for our engineers. At least, we approved a lot of additional funding for education a couple of years ago. So, I know they're going on to [non-MnSCU college]. A couple of people are going back and getting MBAs. There are a couple of project management organizations that offer some scheduling and project management." Metro
"We bring in a consultant to train, yeah." Metro