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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


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Several employers are pleased with entry-level candidates and feel they are well-prepared.

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"Something that is different from when I went to school is that we had a little bit of writing, a lot of project-oriented work, and a lot of classroom work. With the students coming out now, I see a lot more writing, problem-solving, and team projects. They have a capstone project. That is a really good trend." Metro
"At least for entry-level civil engineers, we have had a large candidate pool. We'll get a hundred to two hundred resumes for an entry-level general civil position. Part of that is our affiliation with the university, I think. And it has to do a lot with our college recruiting. But we do enjoy a pretty good candidate pool. For environmental engineersEmployer 2: Yeah, I'd agree. That's why we've been hiring more [MnSCU] graduates.—I think we've got a pretty good reputation in the industry—so while we might not get a hundred resumes, we'll get a pretty good pool of candidates to choose from. Most recently, we've been getting more resumes around the two-year degrees, the design technicians. For a while, we really struggled to get those resumes in, but recently we're seeing more resumes and really good quality resumes I would say." Metro
"We generally have a pretty good pool of chemical engineers. I think it's because of the affiliations that we have." Metro
"My experience, and some of this is anecdotal, but I think the new hires and those coming out of the system, are generally pretty good. And if they're in demand, the challenge is keeping those people. Even though these companies are going out of their way to perhaps pay above average in terms of wages and benefits, the demand is high, and a lot of times they don't stay long. They get hired away by other companies. So, that tells me that the experience or that the educational level is good. They are coming out with the skills they need in most cases." Metro
"We are seeing some stellar students with great writing skills, great communication skills, strong interpersonal skills, learning agility, and flexibility. We ask questions like, 'Tell us about a time when something changed—when you got down a path and you suddenly had to make a real direct sharp turn? Tell us about a conflict, how was it resolved?' We ask those kinds of questions. We do screen out, don't get me wrong. Not everybody has all of those skills. But we are very impressed at some of these entry-level candidates." Metro