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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


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The quotes below are about this issue:
Many incumbents are reaching retirement age without a sufficient replacement workforce.

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"Some of our clients are struggling with the gray wave. During the downturn they lost staff or their staff is retiring, so they don't have as many engineers on staff in the industry, and so they're relying more on us as consultants and as partners." Metro
"We graph the years of experience—at least I do—based on discipline, and on almost all the disciplines, I've got this chunk of folks with experience that are going to retire. There is this little gap in the 10 to 15 year range. There is—like a camel—this second hump of a lot of great new entry-levels, but for us it takes a lot of mentoring." Metro
"We have a lot of retired people who work part-time. No one ever retires out of our company." Metro
"I'm really wondering what are you doing about the age wait? Are you getting enough applicants coming up through the education system? As far as I know, for the next 20 years, half of the workforce is still going to be current—that is, those people who are in the workforce now are still going to be in the workforce. And there are fewer coming in, so I'm just kind of wondering in terms of getting back to the incumbent worker question and the aging workforce. I kind of feel a sense of panic that there is going to be this big shift—people retiring and things like that—and we're not going to have the workers that we need." Metro