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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Educational Partnerships


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Many employers say they have attempted to connect to universities to recruit graduates, but not all have been successful in creating ongoing relationships with the schools. Those who have been able to connect with local colleges in a meaningful way typically have a large pool of candidates from which to choose (although mechanical, electrical, and mid-level openings remain challenging to fill). One employer suggested connecting with higher education by reaching out to alumni.

Employer Quote Region
"I think at least for entry-level civil engineers, we have had a large candidate pool. We'll get one hundred or two hundred resumes for an entry-level general civil position. Part of that is also our affiliation, I think, with the university and a lot of our college recruiting. But we do enjoy a pretty good candidate pool." Metro
"We generally have a pretty good pool of chemical engineers. I think, again, it's because of the affiliations that we have." Metro
"I think the other employer brings up a really good point in terms of alumni. I know we're talking a lot about new grads, but if any of your schools have alumni programs, we'd love to tap into that as well." Metro
"And I think you would get some of the information that you want from those alumni—about what skills they are using and being asked to develop. If you can get them to respond, they might be a candidate source for some of the employers as well." Metro
"We've been posting at various two-year degree schools to get the word out." Metro