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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: Educational Partnerships


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Some employers are already partnering with educational institutions through advisory boards and committees. They emphasize the importance of continuing and expanding this type of communication, and they suggest that higher education representatives make on-site visits to businesses.

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"Employer 1: With a previous program, they interviewed people in the industry about what skills were needed. And they talked to advisory boards from a range of firms about what the firms needed in terms of trends and skills. Asking questions like, 'Are there particular applied skills needed—like CAD technology—or is a generic skill set adequate?' It seems like you've got to do that on a regular and ongoing basis. What do you think—every year or every two years?
Employer 2: Yeah, it's like you want to send people out to various businesses and have them watch how people work, and then ask, 'Are the skills that they are using the skills that we're actually training people for?'
Employer 1: You could probably get some of that from the students. What skills are you really using?
Employer 2: And, 'What are you being asked to know during interviews?'
Employer 1: But after they're hired, are you going back to them? Do you say, 'What skills are you using? What skills are you being asked to develop?'"
"I know a number of manufacturing firms—this is more in out-state Minnesota—that have very close relationships with the state colleges in their area and very open communications with them. They speak regularly about,'`This is what I need,' or, 'This is what I'm missing.' I think that is helping them." Metro
"So, it sounds like you're looking for more frequent contact with other organizations as opposed to intermittent contact. That there would be regular communication either with the institutions or through recent hires to keep the relationships fresh and keep you supplied with the folks you need." Metro
"It is sort of like you're making a product, and you don't have a great idea what the market is like for your product. If you're in education, it seems like that is kind of tricky. I guess it's almost like you want to send people out to talk to the industry." Metro