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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


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Several respondents are very positive about the quality of applicants that have seen recently.

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"The schools are getting these young people, students, new grads, who come out for the profession, and they come in with a great work ethic and attitude, and that's refreshing." Metro
"I have this program of new grads, a specific program, and we hire 'x' a year. And I just got done interviewing last week. For eight positions, I had over 200 applicants. And we didn't advertise this beyond posting it on our website for 14 days. The candidates were amazing, just amazing. Their passion was unbelievable. They are sincere, and they're good people. They're nurses. They're so excited. I also want to say I think their experiences—so many of them have traveled abroad with the school and have worked in other cultures, which is fantastic. Also, they've started certification processes. I mean, they've got it above and beyond. I was joking. I said, 'I'm so glad I'm not graduating now because I'd never get hired!' I mean, they volunteer and are involved in so many things." Metro