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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Information Technology (IT)

They are talking about this topic: Experience & Credentials


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For entry-level technicians, employers look for a minimum of an associate degree. Some say that associate-level technicians tend to have more practical experience, while bachelor-level technicians tend to have stronger soft skills. Some respondents feel that candidates coming from disciplines other than IT can be successful technicians as well.

Employer Quote Region
"People here are hiring people with four years of college and no other experience. I'm hiring students." Metro
"I'm going to challenge the notion that we need, at the education level, science and math to be effective in IT. I look at our IT leadership team and most of them were liberal arts majors. Drama is another one, and one was a finance guy. Medieval philosophy as an undergrad. They started out as developers, like myself. So, I do think different companies in different levels of the IT staff, so to speak, [lost in translation] hardcore technologists. If you look at the numbers of people that are in IT, most of them aren't doing things that need that kind of background, in my opinion." Metro
"I'd say there's a whole new group of people coming up that are going for the two-year degrees. It used to be a bachelor of science for computer degrees. It's changing. They're learning a lot in the two-year colleges. The technology changes so fast; it changes really fast." Metro