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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: Occupation-Specific Skills


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The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers emphasize the need for new hires that have strong mathematical abilities; levels of skill needed vary by position, but range from algebra to trigonometry. Many employers need to send new employees to remedial math courses. Similarly, although mentioned less frequently, some employers feel that reading and writing skills are lacking in new hires as well.

Employer Quote Region
"People use Google maps, but they can't read maps. This is the transportation industry, so..." Metro
"About half the people fail the pre-employment tests." Metro
"Employer 1: About half of the people fail the tests or the assessments. They fail the math. We use true science math.

Employer 2: What level math is that test?

Employer 1: I think it's a fifth-grade level. That's for the entry-level operator position."