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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Transportation

They are talking about this topic: Needs & Challenges in Continuing Education


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Several employers indicate a need for more continuing educational opportunities in various specialized areas, such as welding, new emissions policies for the commercial trucking industry and the effects of social media and quality customer service.

Employer Quote Region
"If [MnSCU] had just a two or three night class of welding [for incumbent workers] and put that out to the industry that they offer these types of things?maybe they do and we're missing that." Metro
"Then, with social media, if [MnSCU] had two or three night classes to teach some of the older guys how to work some of the social media, or some of the basic things. They don't have to be big, huge, deep month-long degrees, but just a basic class on some basic things." Metro