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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Engineering

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers emphasize that consultation skills are essential for engineers. Engineers must be able to build relationships with clients. This includes listening and communicating their ideas in ways that establish rapport and facilitate agreed-upon solutions. These skills are not necessarily lacking, but employers look for these skills in strong candidates.

Employer Quote Region
"For our department, we want somebody with technical skills and communication skills to be able to deal with the customers. That can be a struggle at times. I don't know exactly what's being included in the curriculums now. I know when I was at [out-of-state college] we had technical presentation classes that we had to do. I don't know if that's missing now. I'm on the alumni committee there, and they were talking about eliminating that course at one point, and the alumni committee said, 'No, definitely not.' I think it helps prepare students for the real world when they have to deal with people." Northeast
"Building relationships with the customers is a huge part of it, probably equal to the product that you supply." Northeast