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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Information Technology (IT)

They are talking about this topic: Occupation-Specific Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers seek candidates who possess database and data analytics skills as well as knowledge of quality-assurance testing programs and equipment.

Employer Quote Region
"Employer 1: I love the technology that we're focusing on—hardware and software—but what about the data? Databases, data analytics, business intelligence, and those types of skills? Those skills also help develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills that you're looking for.

Employer 2: We actually depend on our third-party vendors to support our databases. And then we do know SQL, of course. And we do all of our own reporting and stuff. But our third-party vendors pretty much build it and push it out to us, and then we grab the data for reporting. But I think it's important, absolutely."
"Employer 1: I know our Information Management department is having a heck of time finding people to be able to do that exact work—to be able to support those data systems. So, I think there's certainly a gap we have a need for.

Employer 2: We do get requests for analytics, not so much as straight programming, but the need is definitely there.

Employer 1: And that's a significant part of our business, is analytics. I think it's going to grow.

Employer 2: I think it's just going to continue to grow."
"Employer: We're hiring people right now for data warehousing and analytics.

Question: So, maybe we should add analytics to that list of virtualization and Cloud and...?

Employer: Yeah, I would."