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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Information Technology (IT)

They are talking about this topic: Industry Trends


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers speak of the rapid, ongoing changes in technology and they acknowledge that it is difficult for academic curricula to keep up with industry developments.

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"We see such a rapidly changing landscape. So, we need people who can adapt to change. Because even if they have specific skills today, those skills are going to be different in a year or two, so people need to be able to learn and figure things out on their own." Northeast
"It's interesting, marketing has evolved so fast along with the technology, and there's no manual on this stuff. I think at 10:00 o'clock today—I didn't get a chance to watch it—but Facebook just did their IPO, and you think about how that's evolved so fast, and the changes to that, and all the integration and different apps that go along with that. You need people that just really have a passion for it. People who want to engage in it as well. But it's a marrying of marketing and technology, and it's complex." Northeast
"I don't know if our technical people need to understand the marketing, but they need to understand what they're doing, and how it plays into the marketing. The minute you print a textbook in our industry, it's outdated. So, I mean, what are they going to pick up from a textbook? It's pretty much irrelevant by the time they enter the workforce." Northeast
"When they get into college, the expectation is, 'Oh, well, I'll just focus on a specific area.' But, by the time they hit the job market, it's changed. It's not enough." Northeast