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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: General Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
Interpersonal communication and teamwork are frequently cited as crucial skills for new hires; these skills are often lacking.

Employer Quote Region
"The soft skills are such a critical area, before you even get to the technical level. We need people who can do basic reading and writing. People who can understand and follow directions, who can demonstrate team-working skills, and who have an understanding of ethical practices. All of those things are so critical, and those are the areas where we spend time on constant training." Northeast
"One thing that is lacking is the soft skills, the teamwork, the being on time, and the work ethic. And a big problem is the sense of entitlement. I see people that come in that think they're entitled to everything. Those are the concerns that I see most often. And the soft skills, I think they need to be developed more, whether it's in high school or in college." Northeast