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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: Occupation-Specific Skills


The quotes below are about this issue:
There is a need for machinists and machine operators who have the following skills: blueprint reading, analog technology, Swiss technology, and manual machining.

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"We need sewers. There isn't a large enough demand for any industry to teach people how to sew, so we hire people who have the ability to sew or have had some experience doing sewing. And then we customize for our needs. We do custom upholstery for aerospace transportation, commercial, all the area sectors. And so we are required to teach them how to work with leather, how to do the custom things that we need to do." Northeast
"We're up on the Iron Range, and the skill set for the machinists up there is a little bit different than what they seem to be training for. I was on the board when they redesigned the machine technology program in 2005, and most of the people on the current advisory board are production companies that have a product they're making. Our company—we're a general machine shop that just takes on whatever kind of job—but they're training more for a production-oriented environment. With us, we need to be able to do whatever, including even taking a drawing, and they don't seem to be trained for that kind of skill set. It seems like it's set up more for making 10,000 of one part. Like in the mines, too, is more of the technical—where you may not have a drawing and you have to stick to a lot of figuring as far as what the plans would be. And the whole mindset is different when you're doing one part versus 10,000. A machinist that's trained for working in the mines probably wouldn't be a very good fit for our company, and vice versa, because the skill set is totally different. And we're the only company on the advisory board that is a job shop. Every other company is a manufacturer, and I think it seems to skew more towards that." Northeast